What People Are Saying

“The Avalon priestess vibes were so deep and it opened all of us up for new levels of remembering. It was really special to bond with likeminded people in nature.”

“Emotional, elevating, and life changing”

“Working with Lexi is for the person who wants to connect with other spiritual and likeminded people who elevate your energy. Lexi’s retreats are rooted in authentic heart-centered energy. She guides you through the integration and exploration of your mind, body and spirit while also sharing a depth of knowledge from the lifetimes she has lived. Her old soul shines and she shares her whole self with you and makes you feel so loved and special. These retreats are not surface level, they are a deep and transformational experience.”

— Stephanie Kennedy, Priestess Energy Healer

“In addition to her beautiful, intelligent and kind soul Lexi embodies many strong intuitive healing abilities. She will be a very important healer and light worker for her generation and generations yet to come.”

— Katherine Austin, Yoga Studio Owner

“Lexi helped me demystify what can seem on the surface to be a “weird” technology. She helped explain in specific terms the theory and science behind Kundalini yoga, while also designing a custom practice to fit my needs. Her enthusiasm and passion for Kundalini is contagious and she’s a joy to work with!”

— Dan Mason, Transition Coach

“I am a huge believer in integrity. I feel Lexi is a very authentic and educated individual. There are lots of teachers out there to pick from so it is important to me to find one that I can trust and that I feel is listening to my questions and needs. Lexi nailed all of this. After my coaching call with Lexi I felt like the lens was clearer if that makes any sense. Lexi has this beautiful way of sharing her experience with you. I felt like I was talking with a childhood friend.”

— Judy Malone, Health Coach

“Before I worked with Lexi, I struggled with doing everything myself and had accepted this as normal. Since working with her, personally, I experienced a major ah-ha or shift that had been holding me back. Hiring Lexi is a no brainer, I only wished I’d done it sooner.

— Laurie-Ann Murabito, Author

“I am so grateful to Lexi and her teachings! The music, the mantras, the poses, it is all life changing! I have committed to daily kriyas and have seen a massive shift! Lexi is the Goddess of Kundalini and I am forever grateful.”

— Shilamida Kupershteyn, Acupuncturist